Exclusively for literature-fans in Jakarta

A true 'trouvaille' for writers in Jakarta!

Residency where invited writers will engage with local literature personalities (Foto: UNESCO Cities of Literature)

Residency where invited writers will engage with local literature personalities (Foto: UNESCO Cities of Literature)

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Editor: Marten S.

Ljubljana / Jakarta — Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia and 'UNESCO City of Literature' is inviting writers from Jakarta to a residency programme. Little did we know (or perhaps not notice) that Jakarta recently joined a very prestigious league of global cities accommodating literature and aspiring writers: Only a bunch of cities worldwide are among the 'UNESCO Cities of Literature'. In 2021, Jakarta was elected to join the stage. 

Ljubljana, a UNESCO City of Literature since 2015, is directing this writer's residency towards thinkers and writers based in (or connected to) fellow UNESCO-bookshelf-cities. Applicants (from Indonesia) ideally live in or have a work-related connection to Jakarta. 

Scheduled for June 2023 as well as October 2023, the Slovenian city Ljubljana offers two residencies each for a period of one month. In case you are based outside of Indonesia, have a look at the full list of eligible Cities of Literature.

Applicants must have published at least one book of fiction (prose, poetry or drama) in their respective language. There are no restrictions regarding age, race, gender or nationality. For each resident a basic sum of EUR 1000 is provided, to cover, among other costs, your travel expenses. The organizers also provide accommodation for invited writers. 

Do note that this open call requires applicants to send in a recommendation letter signed by any organization based in Jakarta respectively any other City of Literature.


Further details: Click here

Application form: Click here

Deadline: January 7, 2023