15 Open Calls dari kancah seni lokal dan internasional

Dalam buletin ini, ACI mempersembahkan 10 peluang seni dari skena seni lokal dan mancenegara. Lengkap pokoknya. Gas lah!

Karya oleh 'Beyond Crap': 'Patron Party'

Karya oleh 'Beyond Crap': 'Patron Party'

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Editor: Marten S.

(1) Open Call for installation and video mapping performance art

The 'Façade Projection Festival' in Germany (August-September 2024) will illuminate the city of Weimar with audio, light and video installations. Applicants can send a 30 second video clip outlining the central design concept for the projection. The competition will focus on video mapping performance art, but also on the topics of populism, remembrance culture, illumination and staging in the context of memorials.

The winning artists will receive prize money totalling 30,000 EUR for the production or the audiovisual content, which will be presented during the festival.

Further info | Deadline: 29 May 2024

(2) Dicari pelaku seni pertunjukan Indonesia: Program 'Performing Arts Incubation Trajectory'

Performing Arts Incubation Trajectory 2024 merupakan program pengembangan pengetahuan seni pertunjukan yang digagas oleh komite seni pertunjukan DKJ yaitu Komite Teater, Komite Musik, Komite Tari, dan bermitra dengan Jejaring Produser Pertunjukan Indonesia. Dalam program ini, para seniman dan produser terpilih akan berkolaborasi untuk melahirkan sudut pandang seni pertunjukan yang baru. Para peserta program akan melintasi empat program lintas disiplin komite seni pertunjukan dengan beragam karakter dan paradigma pengetahuan program—untuk membangun proyek karya bertumbuh.

Info selengkapnya | Instagram | Tenggat pendaftaran: 07 Juni 2024

(3) Off to Tokyo: Open Call from the Asian Performing Arts Camp 2024

Tokyo Festival Farm is calling for applications from performing arts practitioners working in various parts of Asia for the Asian Performing Arts Camp, from 25 August to 30 September 2024. There will be two online camps (25 August and 1 September) followed by an in-person meeting in Tokyo, from 15 to 30 September 2024. The final day will feature a presentation session that is open to the public, where participants can share what they have gained and exchange thoughts with the audience, thus fostering their own artistic growth.

Eligibility includes: Directors, choreographers, playwrights, dramaturgs, producers, or any artists; Aged 35 or younger (or those who are over 36 years old but have been involved in artistic activities for 8 years or less); Based in Asia

Support offered: Accommodation; Per diem (2,000 JPY x 14 days); Event insurance; Production expenses (up to 5,000 JPY); Communication support; Round-trip flight tickets from the nearest international airport (for international applicants) or round-trip transportation from residence to Tokyo (for participants living outside of the Kanto region).

Further details | Deadline: 10 June 2024

(4) Curatorial- and Research-Residencies at Singapore Art Museum

Organised by the Singapore Art Museum, ‘SAM residencies’ is now accepting applications for art practitioners. Within the categories of ‘Community and Education’, as well as ‘Curating and Research’, SAM offers studio-based residencies over a period of one to six months. Artists and researchers from all around the world may apply.

The programme supports residents with the following: 1 x return airfare on economy class; Monthly stipend of 1,500 SGD; Housing allowance for foreign residents; A studio space OR co-working space; An ‘ideas lab’; a shared space where anyone is free to post (physically), respond, explore and flesh out ideas-in-progress; Support from the museum and the Residencies team in the form of (but not limited to) institution resources and expertise, network building, opportunities for public engagement, and a scaffold for interaction and exchange.

Further info | Deadline: 31 May 2024

Look beyond Filterbubbles Aci

(5) Grant programme for projects in Southeast Asia 

The Toyota Foundation is calling for applications for collaborative projects from Southeast Asia for their grant programme. This opportunity focuses on deepening mutual understanding and knowledge-sharing among people from the region. 

Projects are required to: identify issues and conduct a review by surveying and analysing the situation in target countries; carry out activities aimed at providing solutions to issues; and; produce and disseminate tangible output.

The project period can be one year (November 2024 – October 2025) or two years (November 2024 – October 2026). Team members could include those with practical experience and knowledge on addressing issues in the target countries, such as practitioners, researchers, creators, policy makers, and journalists and other media representatives.

Further info | Deadline: 1 June 2024

(6) Funding for Cultural Diversity (UNESCO)

Through an open and competitive process, UNESCO aims to select projects based on their ability to generate concrete and lasting results towards the development of the creative sectors in developing countries that are Parties to the 2005 Convention. 

Project proposals should contribute to: the implementation and/or elaboration of policies and measures that have a direct, structural impact on the creation, production, distribution and access to a diversity of cultural goods and services; and the strengthening of capacities in public institutions and civil society organisations to support viable local and regional cultural industries and markets.

Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) from eligible countries are invited to submit their proposals. The maximum funding amount is 100,000 USD, and project implementation should be between 12 and 24 months.

Further info | Deadline: 14 June 2024

(7) Research Fellowships at the National Library of Singapore 

The National Library Board of Singapore is calling for applications from international researchers for two different residential fellowships (Researcher-in-Residence). 

The Lee Kong Chian Research Fellowship programme is a six-month residential fellowship. The Fellow will undertake research on the collections of the Lee Kong Chian Reference Library and the National Archives of Singapore. These materials include historical materials dating from the 16th century on Singapore and Southeast Asia and contemporary collections.

The National Library Digital Fellowship is a six-month programme to support research in the emerging field of digital humanities using the collections of the National Library, Singapore and the National Archives of Singapore.

The fellowships welcome applications from librarians, curators, historians, academics or independent researchers. A stipend of 3,500 SDG per month will be provided to help Fellows meet living expenses, local transportation and photocopying expenses. In addition to the stipend, overseas Fellows will be provided with a one-time relocation package of 1,500 SGD, a one-time return airfare of up to 1,500 SGD (reimbursement basis), and monthly accommodation allowance of up to 3,500 SGD (reimbursement basis).

Further Info | Deadline: 31 May 2024 / 14 June 2024

(8) Documentary Award for photographers from Southeast Asia 

The Objectifs Documentary Award enables photographers to work on new or existing projects, encouraging them to tell stories about their native communities. It welcomes different creative approaches to non-fiction storytelling, from conventional documentary photography to visual experiments. Projects may be presented in still images or use multimedia.

Successful recipients will be given professional and financial support to work on their projects over a six-month period. The final works will be exhibited at Objectifs in May 2025. The Open Category is awarded to one recipient from Southeast Asia. The Emerging Category will be awarded to two recipients from Southeast Asia.

Further details | Deadline: 27 May 2024

(9) A silently loud photo festival in South Korea: Open Call  

DongGang Int. Photo Festival accepts submissions along the theme for this year’s edition titled ‘Silently Loud’. Humans at times fail to acknowledge the presence of nature. They are inherently part of nature, yet often, they elevate themselves to the status of the main characters, forgetting the intrinsic connection to the natural world. 

Individuals should submit 8–12 photographs from a particular series or body of work. Selected 15–20 artists will benefit from a year-long exhibition that opens at the DIPF Festival. The ‘Artist of the year’ (individual artist or 1 team of winner) will benefit from a solo exhibition at DIPF (production – printing, framing or related presentation material – will be provided) and travel and accommodation to attend the opening.

Further info | Deadline: 31 May 2024


(10) Lokakarya khusus penulis perempuan: Menulis naskah teater

Penastri (Perkumpulan Nasional Teater Indonesia) menyediakan ruang inklusif bagi perempuan penulis naskah untuk mewujudkan pemikiran dan imajinasinya. Program ‘KalamPuan’ bertujuan untuk memunculkan dan mendokumentasikan pemikiran dan imajinasi perempuan penulis naskah, menguatkan kehadiran dan jumlah perempuan penulis naskah teater, mengintervensi teater Indonesia melalui sudut pandang perempuan penulis naskah, dan menguatkan posisi perempuan sebagai subjek di arena teater Indonesia.

Ketentuan program: Akan diadakan dari Juni hingga Agustus 2024; Sebanyak 15 terpilih akan diumumkan pada 23 Juni 2024 

Syarat peserta: Orang yang mendefinisikan dirinya sebagai perempuan; Berusia 17 hingga 45 tahun; Pernah menulis minimal satu naskah teater 

Pendaftaran | Info lebih lanjut | Tenggat pendaftaran: 10 Juni 2024 

(11) City of Literature: Residency Programme in Korea 

Wonju UNESCO City of Literature offers a chance for one writer from a City of Literature to come to Wonju and stay at Toji Cultural Centre for eight weeks, from 1 September to 31 October 2024. Applicants must have a B2 level of English. The organisers provide a round-trip air ticket, transportation on arrival and departure dates, meals, and accommodation at Toji Cultural Centre. During their stay, the selected writer will share residence with other national and international writers.

Further info | Deadline: 31 May 2024

(12) City of Literature: Residency Programme in Iceland

Reykjavík UNESCO City of Literature announces the 2024 call for applications for the International Residency Programme for writers, to be held at Gröndal’s House in the centre of old town in Reykjavík from 1 to 14 October 2024. The programme is dedicated to all emerging writers, and poets who have at least one published book and who are working currently on a writing project. The residency is a perfect opportunity to professionalise writing skills, find the optimal conditions for creative work, and present writing to a new audience.

The Reykjavík City of Literature will guarantee residents the opportunity to participate in the literary life of the city and help to develop opportunities for them to promote their works in Iceland.

Eligibility: Connection with any UNESCO City of Literature outside of Iceland; At least one published book (fiction or non-fiction), a poetry collection, screenplay or theatre script by the applicant; Work on a literary project during the residency; Upper-intermediate level of spoken English.

Besides accommodation and a stipend of 650 EUR, the residency covers transportation costs to and from Reykjavík.

Further Info | Deadline: 14 June 2024

(13) Pelatihan bagi jurnalis dan praktisi media di Makassar dan Jakarta 

Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI) Indonesia dan Kedutaan Besar Australia di Indonesia mengundang jurnalis aktif di Jabodetabek dan di Makassar untuk mengikuti “Pelatihan Jurnalisme Data: Isu Kesehatan”. Program ini dirancang guna meningkatkan pemahaman dan kemampuan peserta dalam menggunakan metode jurnalisme investigasi berbasis data. Kegiatan ini akan dilaksanakan secara luring di Jakarta dan Makassar selama dua hari dengan pendekatan teori dan juga praktek. 

Pelaksanaan di Jakarta: 14.06 hingga 15.06.2024 | Pelaksanaan di Makassar: 22.06. hingga 23.06.2024

Kriteria partisipasi: Jurnalis aktif dengan pengalaman minimal 2 tahun dan tertarik belajar mengenai jurnalisme data; Belum pernah mengikuti pelatihan atau kelas jurnalisme data yang telah AJI selenggarakan sebelumnya; Berkomitmen untuk mengikuti sesi luring secara penuh selama dua hari.

Bagaimana proses setelah seleksi? Panitia akan melakukan proses seleksi pada seluruh pendaftar dan memilih 40 orang jurnalis (20 orang untuk wilayah Jakarta dan 20 orang untuk wilayah Makassar) yang akan menjadi peserta. 

Apakah yang didapatkan sebagai peserta: Materi pendukung; Penerbangan untuk peserta dari luar Jakarta dan Makassar; Pengganti transport; Akomodasi; Konsumsi

Formulir pendaftaran: Oprec Pelatihan Jurnalisme Data | Info lebih lanjut | Tenggat pendaftaran: 31 Mei 2024 pukul 15.00 WIB

(14) City of Literature: Residency Programme in Poland

The Residency Programme in Krakow will offer a successful writer a two-month stay from 1 September to 31 October 2024. The Programme is dedicated to all emerging writers and poets who have at least one published book, who are currently working on a writing project and who are willing to learn more about the Polish literary community. The Krakow Festival Office will guarantee residents the opportunity to participate in the literary life of the city and help to develop opportunities for them to promote their works in Poland.

Selection criteria: Connection with any UNESCO City of Literature outside of Poland; At least one published book (fiction or non-fiction), a poetry collection, screenplay or theatre script; Work on a literary project during the residency; Upper-intermediate level of spoken English; Interest in the Central European region; Readiness to participate in the literary life of Krakow, including events, meetings promotional interviews and engagements, and festivals, where applicable; Residents will be asked to write a text (work of fiction or non-fiction) that will feature the City of Krakow (min. 6,000 to max. 11,000 characters with spaces). 

Support provided: Residents will stay at the apartment of Czesław Miłosz, Polish poet and Nobel Prize laureate. Besides the stipend (2,700 PLN gross/month), transportation costs to and from Krakow will be covered.

Further details | Deadline: 31 May 2024

(15) Submit Asian feature-length films 

Asian Project Market (APM) is calling for Asian feature-length fiction film projects of in any stage of production (script development, pre-production, production or post-production stage) for the 27th edition, 5–8 October 2024. 

APM is the first launched co-production platform in Asia that offers emerging filmmakers the opportunity to meet international leading film industry professionals. After launching in 1998 as Pusan Promotion Plan (PPP), it has established itself as the first and most significant project market in Asia and numerous projects have already made it through to completion and received positive responses from both film festivals and international audiences.

What is provided: Representatives, a director and/or producer(s) of the project, will be officially invited to APM. Round-trip flight and accommodation will be arranged by APM; Selected projects will be provided platform for one-on-one meetings with film industry professionals; Selected projects will automatically be nominated for APM Awards.

Further details | Deadline: 31 May 2024

(Marten S, Art Calls Indonesia, 25.05.2024)